Pakistan CNIC Information
Note: this is all public data and for educational purposes only. i haven't used any illegal way to out source any data given in this blog, nor did i express any harm toward the CNIC number used or any other entitiy, all this is to spread awareness to not to share your personnel information online. (these CNIC tweets are still available online)
why? this blog, for the past two years especially during covid people were sharing their CNIC on social media platforms especially on Twitter tagging Government Officials to asking for support as Government introduced cash scheme for low income households.
Recently a person shared a pic of CNIC on twitter as joke portraying he flew UK to Pakistan to vote a political party in Pakistan name PTI
just got curious and started analysing the shared picture as found that the CNIC number was cropped out with missing numerals, as it can been seen QrCode is visibe, already knew that one can fetch the CNIC number by scanning the QrCode
scanned the QrCode after scanning found the missing numerals
what next, Election Commission of Pakistan introduced voter record service years ago which will let you know where your vote is registered
this doesn't give the exact address but the poling station address of the entity where his vote is registered too.
but still we havent verify yet whether the CNIC number is Twitter Username cause still we dont have the CNIC holder Name.
same as the voters records there is another service “SMS based citizen verification” which is used to verify the CNIC, this service only give name of the CNIC holder
but the twitter username is “Sarim Rashid”